A Guide to Narrow Lot Home Plans

A Guide to Narrow Lot Home Plans

Narrow lot house plans, or zero lot line home plans, exist in higher-density zoning areas. Some urban regions generally cluster homes closer together because of the high demand for living space. Despite this cramped amount of space, however, narrow lot house plans enable you to still have a luxurious home for you and your family. You could also use a narrow lot house on your property as a guest home or as a space for an aging relative. 

Here is a look at what you need to know about narrow lot house plans and how you can determine which one is right for you. 

Common Features of Narrow Lot Home Plans

Narrow lot house plans may be small, but you can design them to fit everyone in your family. Here are some of the standard features of zero lot line houses:

  • Less than 50 feet wide: Patio lot houses can fit on a plot of land that is less than 50 feet wide, and while the foundation of the house needs to fit in this small size, you don’t have to compromise on your total living space. For example, you can find a home that measures almost 5,000 square feet, with four bedrooms and four bathrooms. You could also find a home with less than 450 square feet, with one bedroom and one bathroom. A home smaller than 500 square feet is an excellent space for guests.
  • Front or turn-in garage: Narrow house plans with a front garage give your home space for your car and other items, while still saving space. With the garage on the lower level of the home, you could make the main level of the home on another floor. As an alternative option, a turn-in garage involves rotating the garage, so it is on the side of the house, rather than right in the front. That way, the garage won’t potentially detract from the home’s look. 
  • Open floor plan: Open floor plans can help you make the most out of a narrow lot home. Having a natural flow from the living room to the kitchen and the dining room can make the area feel more roomy and spacious. An open floor plan can also help with airflow — allowing fresh air in when you open the windows as well as keeping your heating and cooling system working more efficiently.  
  • Linear layout: Most long narrow house plans follow a linear pattern, but you have several options for arranging the space. For instance, you could put the main living area in the front and the bedrooms in the rear. You could also put all the bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor for privacy. Narrow lot homes take advantage of the thin but long plot of land.
  • More than one floor: Narrow lot houses often feature two or three stories. With limited space, builders can’t expand the house past a certain width. As a result, they can only build up. The advantage of this is you can fit more square footage into a house without increasing its footprint on the property. 

5 Benefits of House Plans for a Narrow Lot

5 Benefits of House Plans for a Narrow Lot

Narrow lot house plans make the most out of less space. They are also more affordable and energy-efficient than large houses with poor air circulation. Here are five reasons to build a zero lot line house on your property.

1. Take up Less Space

While having a small plot of land may seem like a drawback, a narrow lot house plan takes up less space. You can still have a comfortable house for your family, even if you have a small plot of land. You could add levels to your home instead of expanding into your backyard. With a narrow lot house, you can have a home with plenty of square footage while staying within your boundary lines.

2. Energy-Efficient

Even if you choose to go with a larger narrow lot house, it is designed for efficiency. Between airflow and use of space, it is easier to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This means your heating and cooling systems can work better and use less energy overall. Additionally, if your home is smaller, fewer construction supplies will be required for building — which can reduce your carbon footprint. 

3. Affordable

Many narrow lot homes are smaller than standard-sized houses, so they tend to be more affordable. You’ll save money on the materials needed to build your home. Over time, you can also save money in utilities because you’ll have less space to heat, cool and light. Some people choose a narrow lot house even if they have more land, so they could have more control over the price of their home.

4. Offer a Versatile Design

Most people tend to think of small homes as boxy and cramped. Since these types of houses have been popular for several years, however, architects and builders have figured out how to get the most out of the living space. You have various options for how to design the flow of your home. If you want a garage, you can put it on the front or the side of your house. You can also design your home with tinted windows or large columns to create a sense of privacy. You have the freedom to choose how many stories or bedrooms you have in your lot house as well.

5. Provide Good Air Circulation

The open floor plan of narrow lot homes gives your living space proper ventilation. Small homes that are only one bedroom wide can have a natural flow of air from one side of the house to the other. Keep the windows open and have a ceiling fan blowing a breeze throughout the home. You could also design your house with bay windows to have passive circulation. Additionally, when your house has an open layout, it can be easier to heat and cool. 

You can choose from a wide selection of narrow lot patio home plans to see what’s best for you and your family. Browse through our collection of patio lot houses to choose a home for your small lot. 

Our simple search engine allows you to choose a wide variety of small lot homes. To find your dream home, enter the width of the house that will fit your narrow lot. We will provide you with an immediate selection of small home designs that you can customize to meet your family’s needs.

3 Examples of House Plans for Narrow Lots

Narrow lot modern house plans are available in various shapes and sizes. Even though narrow lot house plans fit in a small space, you can change the floor plan and design to accommodate your needs. Here are some ideas to give you some inspiration. You can customize any of these building plans to create your own dream home:

  • One-story: This small Craftsman-style house plan is only 1,064 square feet, but it still has three bedrooms and a separate master bathroom. This floor plan also includes a porch to maximize your outdoor living space. If you need more space, you could also ask about adding a basement. A cellar serves as a foundation and as a flexible living space. You could use it as storage or for another room for entertaining.
One Story
  • Two-story: A two-story modern farmhouse style house plan includes an open floor plan with the master bedroom on the first floor and two bedrooms on the second floor. A master bedroom on the main level makes your living situation easier as you get older. Having a master bedroom on the first floor also gives you some privacy from kids or guests who may be staying with you. At 1,578 square feet, you can have a full master bathroom, a half bath for guests and a bathroom for the kids.
  • Three-story: A three-story Southern-style house plan gives you a bonus room on the third floor. This model includes an open floor plan, with the first floor dedicated to the living area. The main level consists of a living room, a kitchen, a dining room and a half bath for guests. You can use this open living space for entertaining and quality time with your family. All the bedrooms are together on the second floor. The bonus room on the third floor also has its own bathroom, making it ideal for a play area or an office. 

Narrow Lot House Plans FAQ

Narrow lot modern house plans are becoming more popular due to the high demand for property with limited space. If you have a small lot and want to build a narrow lot house, here are some answers to the questions you may have.

1. Where Are Narrow Lot House Plans Found?

Narrow lot home plans accommodate lot sizes smaller than 50 feet wide. Throughout the country, property prices are rising, including on plots of land. You can save money by investing in a smaller plot of land in a suburb or city.

Here are some areas where small lot homes are popular:

  • Urban areas with lots of people: Most of the time, you’ll find these homes in heavily-populated urban areas. Urban areas have a limited amount of affordable land available for making a new house.
  • Where land is scarce: Narrow lot houses are becoming more popular because of the demand for plots of land. Towns have made more property available with less square footage to keep up with the market. As a result, homeowners have to be creative about designing their home to accommodate their family with a reduced lot size. However, with house plans for a narrow lot, you can still create your own unique home instead of settling for an already existing one. 

You can find patio lot house plans online. Our house plans for small lots are versatile and flexible. They give you plenty of square footage, even if the foundation of the house is narrow. 

2. Why Do People Choose Narrow House Plans?

One of the main reasons potential homeowners often choose narrow house plans is because they have less property or they want to purchase a smaller piece of property. However, there are several other reasons people choose narrow house plans. They include:

Why Do People Choose Narrow House Plans?
  • To live closer to the city: If you work in an urban area, you might want to build a home that provides you with an easy commute. When you’re single, you can probably fit in a small metropolitan apartment to commute to work. If your family has grown, though, you may need to move farther away from your job to find a house that can accommodate you. With a narrow lot house, you can have a house that can fit on a smaller piece of land while still providing you with the space you need — and that is potentially closer to your work.  
  • To save money: Existing homes are becoming more expensive, as well as land. That means people who don’t want to spend money on an existing home or on a large chunk of property are buying smaller plots of land. Narrow lot houses allow them to still build a beautiful, luxurious house even with a smaller piece of property. 

3. What Are Creative Ways to Use a Narrow House Plan?

A narrow lot house can serve as a house for you and your family. You could also use a small house plan as a guest house. Here are some suggestions for getting the most out of your patio lot house:

  • Give every square foot a purpose: When you have limited space to work with, you need to think of creative ways to use the area. Every inch of space needs to have a purpose in your home.
  • Figure out the position of the garage: You could have a front parking area or a turn-in garage. You may even choose not to have a garage in your home. Try to configure your garage so that you have a safe place for your car that doesn’t obstruct the view of your house.
  • Build up: Adding more floors to your living space increases your home’s square footage. You could add a basement, too. Choose a roof that gives you more space on the top level of your home instead of cutting into the ceiling of your bedrooms.
  • Take advantage of natural light: Make the house look bigger with natural light. Use large windows or skylights to bring in more sunlight.
  • Give your space some privacy: Since your lot is small, your house may close to a neighbor. Design your home in a way that gives you the privacy you need. Put the bedrooms on the side that’s opposite the neighbor’s home, or use overhangs and other architectural elements that will provide privacy but not detract from your home’s beauty. 

View Narrow Lot House Plans at Family Home Plans

At Family Home Plans, we offer affordable, high-quality narrow lot patio house plans. We have a quick turnaround rate that will help your home building process go as quickly as possible. All our blueprints are up to code, and you can customize them according to your preferences. Browse through our house plans and start building your dream home today.

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